“The Malawi flower has happened. Three rooms, two toilets, and a shower are built.
We want to thank the local people of Kapita who made all of us feel at home while we worked with them.
We want to thank the student soldiers who helped to both finance and build this project.
We want to thank Empower Malawi for facilitating the initial beginnings of this project.
We want to thank the many who donated and are still donating funds toward this project.
We want to thank the Earthship crew for another amazing performance.
We all became an Earthship family of seventy working toward a single goal for that two weeks.
The project ended with a full moon and full hearts.
Earthship Biotecture plans to provide them with the funds to purchase materials over the next few months.
Our goal for this will be $60,000 that we will provide for them in three $20,000 hits.
We invite everyone to continue helping to fund this project until this goal is met.” Michael Reynolds
Malawi was one of the most beautiful and significant experiences of my life; remote Africa, amazing generosity, rich culture, simple living conditions, heat, light, hard work and amazing people. I defiantly recommend an internship, especially not-for-profit work. Any questions or comment please get in touch with me at rosa@earthship.com
Click here to donate, and to see the 20 docco of the build.
HERE is the awesome time lapse of the build!
FULL set of 5 pages of professional images from the Kpaita malawi build here!
here is the facebook group (if you are on fb) where interns and crew are posting their experiences and photos.