Planning for the Waiheke earthship is well underway with Mike Renolds and NZ architect Graeme North. We are most grateful for the help of planner friend Kristen McGavock with our resource consent application – about to be lodged soon. Part of the consent application includes the set up of a temporary campsite for interns and volunteers just down the road a little from our build site. The Awaawaroa Bay Ecovillage are kindly allowing us to use part of their top paddock for the campsite and we met with Rob from the ecovillage thismorning to plan the layout. So things are moving along nicely but we still have a ways to go before construction drawings are complete and we are ready to submit the building consent application. We hope that by the end of October we will be in a position to assess the proposed timeline for the build so watch this space for updates on intern recuitment.
Great to see this project moving ahead.
Go well
Fantastic to see an earthship being built on Waiheke….would love to be involved when I return to Waiheke
early next year….meantime I will keep watching your posts!!! Go well and good luck with all the consents!!
Namaste Jill