The Waiheke earthship planned build date of Feb 2014 has been pushed out as constuction drawings by Mike Reynolds have taken a lot longer than anticipated and are still in progress. Once plans from Earthship Biotecture have been completed they will need further work by NZ architect Graeme North to get them into a format to meet NZ building consent requirements, and then there is the consent process itself to go through. Summer’s the time for building an earthship so if the consent isn’t in place in time for a build this summer then it will take place towards the end of 2014. We’re hoping that the extra time it’s taking to get suitable construction details drawn up will help the plans sail through Council, who so far have been positive about the consenting process.
Hi Liz – The editor of Lifestyle Block magazine has given me the OK to write an article about Earthship building. I was thinking of writing about the Waiheke project (plus coming over to take photos) but if there is a delay on that perhaps I should look to Raglan. What do you think? Best wishes, Yvonne