Here’s a clip taken during the build of the Greenhead Moss Earthship which was sadly burnt down by arsonists as it neared completion.
But don’t fret! The experience many people took away from the project can not be harmed in any way and you will even see a cameo appearance of yours truly in a couple of scenes. [Oh, the commentary is a mix of Dutch & English]
Kevan and Gillian Trott are the force behind Earthbuilds, a European Earthship construction company which has a number of successful Earthship builds under its belt and other projects on the go (see Nottinghamshire earthship article on this website). They own their own Earthship at Ger in Normandy, France, which I was lucky enough to stay in. They have an international team of experienced earthship builders.
Although its a short clip, it hopefully gives you a feel for the issues that need to be thought about around: Staging the site for a build (where everything goes during the build itself); Power on site (temporary set up of PV solar panels or on site generators – you’re unlikely to have mains power because you don’t need it in the final house); health and safety on site (heavy lifting, working at heights, cutting glass, safe rest areas, toilets etc).