Liz & Dana with Mike Isherwood at the Tokaanu Earthship project site. Was great to catch up with Mike and to see his project after last seeing him at the seminars at Massey Uni last year. He’s made great progress and has a magnificent site that he is committed to being an ever expanding example of Earthship technology in action. We look forward to sharing our learnings and works to date with he, Lisa and the Ngati Tuwharetoa community.
Watch this space!
Watch this space!

Yeeha!!! Go Ngati Tuwharetoa lead the way and may other whanau hapu delight in your progress and follow suit!!!! Honoring Precious Papatuanuku Our Tupuna Katoa,,,, black, brown, white, yellow or red,,, naturale is the way!!! Power of Love, wisdom, grace and “humblity” to us all,,,,, o that my own whanau/haapu hear the call an open their hearts n minds…. and our lands…… that we may all come together and dance sing and rejoice whilst creating such booootiful wonda filled self sustainable whare,,,,,,,,Na Nga Atua tatou e manaakitia,,,, arohatinonui,,, kindred spirit