Living for tomorrow, today...

 Earthship New Zealand has a simple mission:

To assist to make New Zealand and the World a better place,
and its people better stewards of the environment…
one earthship at a time.

Through the dissemination of information on all aspects of earthship design, construction & living; Earthship New Zealand hopes to stimulate interest and uptake of these iconic buildings.  However it is not simply the final product and its myriad of environmentally-harmonious features that makes earthships the model of Environmentally Sustainable Design (ESD) that they are.  Their thoughtful construction and use of resources gives an example of how people can live more sustainably and upcycle our limited resorces, which goes way beyond just the type of roof one should have over one’s head.

Earthship New Zealand is always looking to work with a diverse range of partners to facilitate the proliferation of earthships  and alternative building practices in New Zealand.   Be it for community projects, self-build home owners or commercial development, supporting the complete range of interest complements our mission.

There is a growing number of inspiring and creative individuals in Aotearoa who have come across Earthship Biotecture either in online media, movies, buying books and building or going through internships or the academy training in Taos. We would like to foster and tend this growing community to be able to co-create, learn from each other and spread ideas in our own back yards and around the world.

The Earthship NZ website is independently operated by a very small team of volunteers and is committed to keeping Earthshìps accessible, open to all and an achievable reality for people in NZ and free of dominant commercial and personal ñnancial interests.

We also have links with our neighbours across the ditch, Earthship Australia, where individuals have worked on common projects and trained alongside each other in Taos.

Contact Earthship NZ at (Dana Darwin)

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